AB1705 - Higlighted Articles

"Politics, Pendulums and AB1705 – Opposing AB 1705 Does Not Mean Opposing Acceleration" by Troy Myers, Sacramento City College

" Remediation is not the enemy" by Josh Slueter

"Ketchup, 57 Varieties or AB 1705 - Your Choice or NO Choice" Ian Walton in FACC

Opinion: "Community colleges neglect those who struggle with math" by Ken Kuniyuki and Larry Foster

"I supported the push to reduce remedial classes in community colleges but this new bill goes too far" by Joshua Scott, Solano Community College

"Equity, by definition, is Nuanced" by Christina Yanuaria

"The promise and perils of direct placement into transfer level courses." Ian Walton in FACC

"How AB 1705 would reduce course offering and negatively impact community college Standards" by Salumeh Eslamieh, AFT 1493 Cañada College Executive Committee Rep.

Opinion: "Community colleges neglect those who struggle with math. We are professors who know what’s missing" by Ken Kuniyuki and Larry Foster

California Voices Against 1705

Petition with links to student comments and videos of board comments at SDCC and GCCD